Thursday, May 26, 2011

About my artist - Patricia Piccinini

This house and Gallery space was designed with Patricia Picinini in mind. Patricia Piccinini is an Australian artist and hyperrealist sculptor. Piccinini works with a wide range of media, including sculpture, video, drawing, installation and digital prints. She is keenly interested in how contemporary ideas of nature, the natural and the artificial are changing our society.Piccinini's work often anthropomorphises inanimate objects and presents them with a high degree of industrial finish.

The auditorium was designed with her works known as 'swell' in mind. They are large digital prints and videos of the ocean swell far of shore. The gallery spaces were designed with 'The long awaited' in mind. They are large sculptors of have animal half human creations. The aerial views above the gallery space offer a unique perspective on her work.

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